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Powerful Backlinks for Improving Website Ranking and Traffic in 2024

Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors that search engines like Google use to determine the authority and relevance of a website. In simple terms, backlinks are inbound links from other websites that point back to pages on your site. Think of them like "votes" for your content - the more quality backlinks you have, the more authority your site carries in the eyes of Google.

This makes building and earning backlinks an essential part of any good SEO strategy. But not all backlinks carry the same weight or value. In this article, we'll explore what makes an effective and "powerful" backlink worth pursuing in 2023.

Before diving into specific types of powerful backlinks, it's helpful to understand what generally constitutes a quality backlink that will help boost your rankings:

  • Relevance - The website linking to you is topically related to your niche and content. Backlinks from random, unrelated sites don't pass as much ranking power.

  • Authority - Higher authority websites have more "link juice" to pass on via backlinks. Authority is determined by metrics like domain rating, traffic levels, search rankings, etc.

  • Natural anchor text - Anchor text in a backlink that uses your target keywords can be helpful, but should feel natural and not over-optimized.

  • Contextual placement - A backlink embedded naturally in a blog article or other content passes more value than links shoved into footers or sidebars.

With those key quality markers in mind, let's look at some of the most sought-after and effective backlink sources and strategies to leverage in 2023.

1. Guest Posting

Securing guest post opportunities on topically-relevant and high authority websites in your industry remains one of the most powerful backlink building tactics. By contributing useful, engaging content to another site, you'll generally earn a backlink in return.

Pitch sites that:

  • Get good traffic in your niche
  • Have domain authority scores over 30
  • Accept and actively publish guest writers

Follow guest posting best practices to make sure your links retain value:

  • Pitch only relevant sites that would genuinely benefit from your contribution
  • Add substantial value for their audience with your post - don't just optimize for links
  • Secure follow-links within the article, not just a bio backlink

Resource pages, commonly found on SaaS and agency websites, link out to recommendations and "best of" content related to their services and audiences.

Getting your content featured on relevant sites' resource pages nets powerful backlinks. Pitch them when you publish truly useful, "definitive guide" style content that their readers would benefit from.

Industry-specific and local business directories still offer effective backlinks today if used selectively. Niche directories with actual editorial oversight (not just automated submissions) can boost relevance and trust signals.

Useful niche directories to consider pursuing links from include:

  • Best of the Web
  • GoodFirms
  • HubSpot Website Grader Directory
  • Business.com

For local directories, verify they follow good practices and have an actual vetting process before allowing link submissions.

4. HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO facilitates connections between journalists and relevant expert sources. By providing useful commentary, quotes, and data to reporters, you'll earn a backlink from any resulting article published.

Leverage HARO to build a steady stream of quality, contextual backlinks from trusted publishers. Check the listings daily or set alerts for relevant keyword opportunities.

One direct but effective tactic is to actually identify pages where a backlink would provide value to readers, and reach out to request it.

Scan resources in your niche space for any mentions of related content. If your articles or tools would make a useful addition at that point in their content, email the site owner with a short, polite request to add your link.

Many webmasters appreciate relevant link suggestions if framed as a value-add for readers rather than just a link-building play.

A final smart tactic is to analyze and emulate the backlinks earned by leaders in your market. Use tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush to identify who's linking to competitors.

Look for recurring quality link sources that you may also have a shot at earning placement. While dodgy tactics like link buying are off the table, pitch opportunities and creating great content that happens to attract the same links can be fair game!

On the flip side, some common tactics are best avoided when building links:

  • Link networks or farms - Interlinked groupings of low-quality sites only designed to share links. Offer no actual value and can trigger spam penalties if discovered.

  • Web 2.0 spam links - Quickly created profiles, directories, wikis, blogs, social accounts, etc solely to host backlinks. Usually completely irrelevant.

  • Paid links - Buying backlinks fails to earn genuine signals of trust and authority. At best the links carry no weight; at worst Google may apply manual penalties.

  • Over-optimized anchor text - Excess usage of exact-match commercial keywords as anchor text is a historical link spam tactic. Use descriptors and variations.

  • Irrelevant links - Backlinks should come from at least loosely related sites offering reasonable contextual value to users. Random links from completely unrelated companies looks very suspicious.

The best backlink building strategies rely on researching where links come from and identifying new opportunity sources. Robust tools are extremely helpful for this. Here's how the two leaders in backlink analysis tools compare:

Link Database SizeOver 4 billionOver 3 billion
Link IntersectCompare links between domainsAvailable
New Lost Links AlertsYesYes
Link Growth TrackingYesYes
Link Opportunity FinderYesPartial – no pitch tracking
Clickable Backlink ProfilesYesYes
Alternative RecommendationsYesNo
Exportable ReportingYesPartial – limited to clickable reports
Full Site Explorer ReportingAdditional paid moduleIncluded with subscription

Both tools offer robust backlink data, insightful reporting, alerts for gained and lost links, and clickable profiles to browse link sources.

Ahrefs edges out SEMRush with its additional lost link outreach automation, alternative link recommendations, and more flexible reporting exports. It also provides dedicated Site Explorer reporting without an upcharge.

That said, SEMRush boasts a full suite of additional SEO, PPC, and marketing tools bundled into its platform. For integrated keyword research, content optimization, rank tracking and technical auditing under one roof, it is a compelling choice.

No wrong answer here – both SEMRush and Ahrefs deliver excellent capabilities for researching and building links from authoritative websites. The decision often comes down to budget and desired all-in-one toolset scope.

Frequently Asked Questions

Backlinks are inbound hyperlinks to a webpage from external sites, acting as votes of confidence. More backlinks (especially from quality sites) signal authority and relevance, improving search rankings.

There is no definitive number needed. Focus on building links slowly from reputable sources. Earning just 10-20 credible links per month can make an impact. Quality trumps chasing large volumes.

Yes, low-quality and irrelevant links can actually damage SEO and be interpreted as attempted manipulation. Avoid shady link building tactics and always seek contextual, editorially-given links.

There is a delay before newly earned backlinks register credit in Google's eyes. Expect a few weeks to months to see measurable positive impact from a new backlink. Weight and trust accrues over time.

Direct link theft is unlikely, but competitors can intentionally pursue backlink sources and strategies that you pioneered if discovered in link analysis. There's rarely a forever claim on opportunistic links.


Not all backlinks carry equal weight. Building or earning links from relevant, reputable sites – especially in editorial context – remains crucial for climbing SERPs. Avoid low-quality link networks and schemes at all costs.

Target guest posts, resource pages, reliable directories, reporters (HARO), and even strategically request links where they would naturally enhance existing link paths relevant to your subject authority. Monitor new opportunity sources as well using Ahrefs, SEMRush or similar tools.

By slowly accumulating authentic, editorially-given, and contextually relevant backlinks from authoritative websites – rather than chasing large

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